Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (2024)

1 EUR = 0.841550 GBPMid-market exchange rate

less than a minute ago

Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (1)EUR

ProviderShould arriveExchange rate(1 EUR → GBP)Transfer feeRecipient getsSending 1,000 EUR
Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (2)

in 21 hours

0.841550Mid-market rate [?]5.75 EURTransparent fee [?]836.71 GBP
Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (3)

within 10 minutes

0.8223000.00 EUR822.30 GBP-14.41 GBP

The above information applies when you pay in via bank transfer.

Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (4)

Get more for your money with Wise

Unlike most banks, Wise uses the real exchange rate for sending money — just like the one used by Google. Combine that with a low, upfront fee, and you get international transfers that are cheap, fair and transparent.

Get my free account

How sending money with Wise works


Tell us who you’re sending to, and what currency they need. If you’re sending a lot of money, we might need to run a few identity checks.


Pay into Wise’s bank account in the country you’re sending from. You’ll see the fees upfront, and we’ll convert your money at the mid-market rate.


Next, Wise’s account in your recipient’s country pays the money straight into their account. Your money never crosses borders.

Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (5)

How to spot unfair money transfers

  • Exchange rate
  • Free transfers
  • Total cost

There’s only one fair exchange rate

Banks and other providers often set their own, unfriendly exchange rates. It means that you pay more than you need to, and they pocket the difference.

We do it differently. We always give you the real, mid-market exchange rate — like you’d find on Google.

Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (6)

Why you can trust us

Over 16 million happy customers trust Wise to move over $10 billion dollars of their money, every month. And they’ve given us 155,400+ five-star reviews on TrustPilot.

Wise uses smart technology, from the people who built Skype. It means your money never crosses currency zones. And because that’s cheaper to do, we pass the savings on to you.

Unlike banks, we don't loan your money out to other people and businesses. We safeguard it instead. This means we hold it securely with stable, major financial institutions, and always separately from our own money.

Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (7)

Mathu from India

I live abroad & also have my connection back to India by sending money to my family.

Mathu's story

Frequently asked questions

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Compare Xe EUR to GBP exchange rate - Wise (2024)


Which is better, Xe or Wise? ›

XE Money Transfer uses variable transfer fees and a marked up exchange rate. Wise uses the mid-market rate and splits out all the costs of sending a payment overseas – this can be simpler to compare, and makes it easier to spot exactly what you're paying for currency conversion.

What is the best exchange rate from euro to pound? ›

The best euro exchange rate right now is 1.1608 from Travel FX. This is based on a comparison of 17 currency suppliers and assumes you were buying £750 worth of euros for home delivery.

What is the exchange rate for Xe sterling in euro? ›

Convert British Pound to Euro
1 GBP1.1881 EUR
5 GBP5.94051 EUR
10 GBP11.881 EUR
25 GBP29.7025 EUR
6 more rows

What are the best rates for converting USD to GBP? ›

US Dollars to British Pounds: exchange rates today
1 USD0.75 GBP
10 USD7.59 GBP
20 USD15.19 GBP
50 USD37.98 GBP
8 more rows

Does Wise have the best exchange rate? ›

In a word: yes! With Wise, you get the real exchange rate (the one you see on Google and Yahoo), and you pay a small fee.

Is Wise a Russian bank? ›

Wise PLC, previously known as TransferWise, is a financial technology company focused on global money transfers. Headquartered in London, it was founded by Kristo Käärmann and Taavet Hinrikus in January 2011.

How trustworthy is XE com? ›

We're owned by the multibillion-dollar NASDAQ listed company Euronet Worldwide and adhere to regulatory standards in every country we operate in, along with having enterprise-grade security measures in place. We've built our reputation as a secure service on years of trustworthy transfers.

Is XE a good app to transfer money? ›

How Safe Is XE Money Transfer? Transfers done through XE, owned by the multibillion-dollar company Euronet Worldwide, are considered safe.

Is there anything better than Transferwise? ›

Revolut and Wise (formerly Transferwise) are both UK-based money transfer services that facilitate cross-border payments, global transactions, and the evolution of business as we know it. While the Wise platform tends to focus on low fees, Revolut's strength lies in the versatility of banking services.

Can I use XE to transfer money? ›

You can initiate a money transfer with Xe online, over the phone, or in our app at any time, and the process will take just a few minutes.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.